Our Thoughts…

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Vulnerability as a Pillar of Courage
Dare to Lead, Brené Brown, Vulnerability, Courage Sabrina Moon Dare to Lead, Brené Brown, Vulnerability, Courage Sabrina Moon

Vulnerability as a Pillar of Courage

"There are three things that make vulnerability possible: shame, fear, and unworthiness."

Dr. Brené Brown has dedicated her life's work to understanding vulnerability, knowing that it is essential to living a courageous life.

In this blog post, we'll explore what vulnerability means in the context of courage and how you can start using it as a tool in your own life.

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Daring Leadership for a Better World

Daring Leadership for a Better World

Leadership is often seen as a heroic act: boldly going where others won't in order to achieve something great.

But true leadership is not about being fearless; it's about having the courage to be vulnerable.

Brené Brown, one of the world's leading experts on courage, vulnerability, and shame, has spent decades studying the power of Daring Leadership.

Read on to learn more about Daring Leadership and how it benefits individuals and organizations alike

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Check Your Feelings at the Door
Sabrina Moon Sabrina Moon

Check Your Feelings at the Door

If you're anything like me, you were taught to check your feelings at the workplace door. How is that working for you? I know it worked well for me. Until it didn’t.

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New Training to Improve Law Enforcement Culture
Sabrina Moon Sabrina Moon

New Training to Improve Law Enforcement Culture

The Problem Solving Institute announced the introduction of a new professional leadership development program specifically for law enforcement officers. Foundational Leadership for Law Enforcement Officers (FLFL) is a train-the-trainer program designed to develop police officers in leadership and self-awareness skills.

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Vulnerability in Law Enforcement is the Path to Courage and Healing in Our Communities
Sabrina Moon Sabrina Moon

Vulnerability in Law Enforcement is the Path to Courage and Healing in Our Communities

Police officers are brave. They run toward danger while others flee. They respond to crimes in progress, not knowing if the call will lead to a gunfight or a high-speed chase. They must be trained and prepared to sacrifice their own safety to serve and protect the communities they police. Society expects police officers to be ready when needed, and fast. But the traditional model of law enforcement is being challenged in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. Distrust of law enforcement officers is at an all-time high, and understandably so.

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